08.08.09 BASE INVADERS meets INTO THE CORE @ Cellardoor CB

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08.08.09 BASE INVADERS meets INTO THE CORE @ Cellardoor CB

Beitragvon m.a.t.z. » Mi Jul 08, 2009 17:10 pm

08.08.09 BASE INVADERS meets INTO THE CORE @ Cellardoor CB


"Into the Core"B-Day Floor: [ Tekk / Tribetek / Hardtek / Hardcore ]

- GRG -Live-
(tekkxp.de / MonoFM.de) Schwarzheide

- Format C: -Live-
(tkn-records.com / electrobooking.com) Dresden

- FAG23 - Mix-
(tkn-records.com) Köln

- Tekk That - Live-
(Hektik Soundsystem / urbanvibez.biz) Cottbus

- m.a.t.z.-
(urbanvibez.biz) RG/SPB

- Che.cox-
(urbanvibez.biz) Cottbus

"Base Invaders" Floor: [ Ghettotek / Miamibass / Bootybass / Dubstep / DnB ]

- Tom Tubby -Live-
(Heterogene Musik / urbanvibez.biz) Cottbus

- Conflict -Live-
(c2n2) Cottbus

- CrowdKrushers-
(Amsterdam / Wien / Berlin)

- Royal Natty Dread-

Tekk / Tribe / Core:

Format C:\...............http://www.myspace.com/formatcmonoton
GRG - Live!..............http://www.myspace.com/grglive
Tekk That - Live!.....http://www.myspace.com/hektiksoundsystem
m.a.t.z. + Che.cox....http://myspace.com/urbanvibez_biz

Dubstep / Bootybass / DnB & artverwandtes

Tom Tubby -Live!...http://www.myspace.com/tubbytorry
Conflict -Live!.........http://www.myspace.com/c2n2
Royal Natty Dread...http://www.myspace.com/royalnattydread

8.8.09 | 23:00 - Mittag |Cellardoor, Thierbacher Str.21 | Cottbus
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Do Mär 27, 2008 21:47 pm
Wohnort: RG/CB/SPB

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